February 18, 2014
I realize it's been a really long time since I posted a blog. 3 months is too long! The problem is, my whole point for this blog is to slow down and notice the important things in life. I haven't been doing that. At least not long enough to finish a complete thought. Several times over the last 3 months, I'll think, "Ooh. What a great thought! I should write that down!" But do I? Nope. Then, I may actually have a few minutes to write, but have nothing to say because I've been to busy!
Ironically, it was at a youth conference (Winterfest) last weekend that I realized my problem. I didn't have any more time than usual that weekend. Well, ok, yes I did, but mostly because I slept a lot less (8 hours total over the weekend - am I crazy?) but that's beside the point. No, I think it's becauseI got just far enough away and off my normal routine that I had time to think. And probably the Holy Spirit's nudging. I realized something on that trip: I wasn't just neglecting my blog. There are several things I'd allowed myself to be "too busy for" including quality quiet time. And I've know this, somehow this weekend the pieces clicked together.
And I realized: a lot of the time my blog posts are the result of quiet time. Once I actually stop long enough to think and process life, not just today and tomorrow's problems, the wheels start turning and won't stop. I kept thinking, "I should blog. But no, I need quiet time more. I need to find time for that first!" But then I didn't do either. Now I realize the two are connected. Just like becoming a better person/getting your life together and getting closer to Jesus. You don't do one first. They happen together.
So I'm sorry. I'm sorry I have let myself get so caught up in the busyness that I ignore my own advice. I don't dare promise that I will get it all together, but I will try. If we keep waiting to take the first step, we go nowhere.
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